Is your website feeling stale and outdated? Then it may be time for a quick refresh. I want to give you three things you can do right now to revamp your website. Refreshing your site can help you attract more ideal clients, show up more confidently and build credibility without spending a lot of money or time.

3 Things To Update To Give Your Site A Refresh
Update old photos: When was the last time you changed your photos? It's something that we quickly scroll past without realizing how it no longer aligns with who we are or what our brand truly represents. Pictures are worth a thousand words; they say a lot about your business, your personality, and how you want your ideal clients to perceive you. Photos on your website that no longer represent you or your brand can make your site look outdated. Consider swapping out the old ones for something new.
Revamp your old copy: Summer is the perfect time to revamp your copy. If you've changed your services, your ideal client, or just have more clarity on your brand, then make sure that is represented on your website. Remember, your brand should be cohesive everywhere you are showing up. Your copy tells your visitors exactly what you do and why you are the solution to their problem. Good copy should tell your visitors why they are in the right place.
Change out and edit old links: I think this is the least talked about, but it is one of the most important things you can do to refresh your site. Old links or links that do not work can cause someone to quickly leave your site, and it can appear unprofessional. Check your CTAs to ensure they are linking to the correct pages, make sure your application forms work (you can be missing out on leads), and make sure you do not have links directed to pages that you no longer use or exist.
Let's wrap this up Refreshing your site does not have to cost you a lot of money or time; it just takes a little bit of effort. These three steps will help you prepare for visitors and new clients, show up with confidence, and build credibility.